Cloning a Linux server - use dd

Jephe Wu

One of the benefits of using Linux is that you don't have to install it every time, you can ALWAYS clone it despite the destination server hardware is the same as the source ones or not. There're two situations as follows:

1) exactly same hardwares.
2) different hardwares

For each situation, there're different ways to clone the servers. Today, I'll introduce how to clone server by using command dd.

In order to use dd. Generally, the destination server will be having the same kind of server model as the source, or at least the same kind of network card and hard disk.

dd will clone everything from source to destination, sector by sector. dd doesn't care about what kind of OS, it can apply to Windows too. The advantage is that you only need to use one command, the disadvantage is that it might take a bit longer since it will copy every sector of your hard disk, even there's no data on those sectors. If the time is not important to you, and the hardware is the almost same, it might be the best choice for you to clone servers.

The following is the steps I use.

a. keep the minimum application running on the source if possible.
Shutdown those services as long as you can. The idea here is to prevent anything from writing things to the hard disk during cloning process. However, according to my experience, it works well even if you don't shutdown anything, just keep the source server running as normal while cloning.

b. use RIP(Recovery is possible) CD to boot up the destination server.
You can download RIP CD from here. The smaller non-X version is enough, around 37M. Burn it to CD, boot up the destination server.

Normally, I choose the second GRUB bootup option for RIP so that I can eject out the CD after boot up, everything will be in memory only.

c. after booting up RIP, login as root(no password is needed), running the following commands to set up IP address:
ifconfig eth0 ip_address_here up (IP address here should be the same network segment as the source)

d. run the following commands to clone:
ssh source_server_ip 'dd if=/dev/sda' | dd of=/dev/sda

note: if the hard disk is HP hardware raid, it might be /dev/cciss/c0d0. Just replace it with yours.

Now you have to wait until it finish.

Note: the dd won't give you any process report as long as the things go well. However, you can use the command

pkill -USR1 ^dd$

to get the progress report, for more info, you can refer to this excellent article at
(How to make dd to give me progress report)

If you want to check remotely if it finish or not. Then you can run the following commands after setting up ip on destination server and before doing actual cloning:

passwd root (to change root password)
/usr/sbin/sshd (to start sshd daemon for remote login)

You can also boot up the source using RIP CD, then use the above commands to change root password for the source and start sshd daemon for you login from the destination server.

That's it. I'll introduce other methods for cloning servers for same kind of hardwares later.

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